TAKE CHARGE OF YOUR THOUGHT with Akindayomi Samuel


Many Christians struggle with this issue, especially in our highly
technological world, but taking control of our thoughts is essential.
Proverbs 4:23 states, "Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the
wellspring of life." The “heart” includes the mind and all that proceeds
from it. Someone said that every sin we commit, we commit twice, once in
our thoughts and again when we act upon those thoughts. It is easier to rid
our lives of sin if we attack it at this fundamental thought level rather
than waiting for it to become rooted in our lives by our actions and then
try to pull it out.
There is also a difference between being tempted (a thought entering into
the mind) and sinning (dwelling upon an evil thought and wallowing in it).
It is important to understand that when a thought enters our mind, we
examine it based upon God's Word and determine if we should continue down
that path or reject the thought and replace it with another thought. If we
have already allowed a habit to form in our thought lives, it becomes more
difficult to change the path of our thoughts, even as it is hard to get a
car out of a deep rut and onto a new track. Here are some biblical
suggestions for taking control of our thoughts and getting rid of wrong
1. Be in God's Word so that when a sinful thought enters our mind (a
temptation), we will be able to recognize it for what it is and know what
course to take. Jesus in the wilderness (Matthew 4) responded to each of
Satan's temptations with Scripture that applied to the direction He knew
His mind should take instead of beginning down the path of the sinful
thought. When tempted to meet His physical need (turn stone into bread), He
recited the passage about the importance of relying upon God. When tempted
to serve Satan in order to obtain the glory of the world, He brought up the
passage that says we are to worship God Alone.

respond to my mail private messages on iakindayomi@gmail.com



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