2018 DIGEST with Aina Omowumi Adenodi


The world has enough critics already, be an encourager.
Encouragement is something or words that makes someone more hopeful, determined or confident to take certain steps.
Most of us, swimming against the tides of trouble the world knows nothing about, needs only a bit of praise or encouragement ~and we will make the goal.

 There comes that certain time when you really need to calm down and think of all the steps you've taken, and the ones you are about to take, and then you come to realise that it's so easy to propose on something you want, you imagine it, and you see it coming through as expected, you strategize your plans and set your targets, these you do mostly at the commencement of a new season or year (just like this time), deep inside of you, you list out things you want, and those you don't want, along side things you will start doing and those you will stop doing, these things are your priority in the early days of the year, they keep ringing like the alarm bell in your ears each day.
But then, as the days rolls, it gradually fades, and then you are consciously or unconsciously back to your old self, you might not really like it, and then it crosses your mind that it's just for a short time, that you will go back to your right ways, but you consequently adapt to your old ways.
At that point,

 it's not time to blame anyone, no matter what anyone did to you, just note that "you are solely responsible for every bit of happenings in your life", so blame yourself for every wrong step, *but  then*, encourage yourself to get back on your feet and make things right allover again, no one can encourage you the way you will sincerely do to yourself, but when it seems all things are fallen apart, remember that " everyone has inside them a piece of good news", and it is self encouragement, but then if you are broken to the point that you cannot encourage yourself, then let someone you can confined in help you out, be sure it's someone that can even encourage him/herself, because you can only give out what you have, although we all have the ability to encourage ourselves.
*Encouragement is like Oxygen  to the Human body,* don't forget that you're carrying someone else's air, so encourage them and help them breath, and then you come to realise that a word of encouragement during a time of failure is worth more than an hour of praise after success, someone you once encouraged keeps you in mind.
So be an Encourager, The World Has Enough Critics Already.
Encourage yourself and those around you......
©Aina Omowumi Adenodi


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