I like to discuss on Seven Principles that will help as we inch our way towards True Financial Prosperity Seven-fold PRINCIPLES OF FINANCIAL PROSPERITY Take note that prosperity (riches) answer to principles and facts not fables.
These principles apply to believers and unbelievers alike. 
You only need to get to use them appropriately.
 This explains why an unbeliever may be the Landlord while the Tenant is a tongue talking, Holy Ghost carrying Man of God. Financial Prosperity does not respect Anointing, it respects Principles.
One of the Principles of Financial Prosperity which I have found in the Bible but applicable to all is the Principle of Seed time and harvest time....
 Agriculture respects no one.... When a Christian plants and uses the same farming principles as a Muslim...
They get same results.... Seed time and harvest time.
 Same is with giving... No wonder, even the Moslems believe in giving!!!
 They call it “Zakat”. They are universal principles. Now before I talk about these principles.... Can I warn again!!! Let's not get out of here and pursue money with desperation and speed!!!

Many have done so and ended up with financial crisis. Some have landed in the hands of law enforcement agencies. In the last ten years, I have practiced these principles,  I have forgiven found them to be helpful..

But I have not been in a hurry.... Not unrealistic and unreasonable targets....
No rush...
Easy does it. What we need is a change of mindset..
Determination and loads of patience and hard work, Don't cheat! Don't steal! Don't take undue advantage of others!
1. Be a problem solver: You can’t prosper unless you solve problems. Stop running after money and start solving people problems, money will pursue you. Pray and say “God make me a problem solver” Stop asking God for money, ask Him for problem solving ideas.
 When I discovered the above I have used it successfully many times over. Hear me..
Money hides in problems !!!! Stop looking around for money!!!
 Look for problems and ask God  for solutions. The Solution is to have a Solution Mentality.
My late father and Hero Akogun Olusegun Okeowo planted this solution mentality in me several years ago.
 He had traveled to the US and returned with a different story compared to others who traveled with HIM. While others were saying good things about America and longed to return, he simply said he had nothing to go back to America FOR.  This was his explanation.... Things are working too much and too perfectly in America.
 He said the electricity is working perfectly just as water is flowing with ease.... The roads are good.... nothing much to ADD. So he concluded.... This society has got nothing for me to contribute.... They have no problems..
Let me return to Nigeria Where there are problems and solve THEM.
 That mentality stuck in to me.
 Why go America? Today many young Nigerians have ruined their lives and marriages on the platform of running abroad for greener PASTURES. Unknown to them Prosperity and Problems are Children of the same mother!
In every problem.... there is opportunity to prosper for SOMEONE. Parents, teach your children to solve problems!!!
Teach them to look for solutions to problems.  It is a mentality that the rich teach their Children UNCONSCIOUSLY. When others are seeing problems, you should look for solutions. Prayer.... God, cause me to be a solution provider!!!
 When you develop the habit of solving problems, you will design solutions that people will pay you money FOR. Every rich man today started by seeing problems in a particular area and they proffered solution

2. Ideas rule the world: Creative ideas are the common place of wealthy people. Ideas are capital. Money is good, but idea is better. Money does not rule, ideas rule. A rich man without ideas will soon fizzle out. A poor with great ideas will soon transform.
 As you become solution- crazy, you will begin to develop ideas that are capable of solving problems. Instead of praying for money, why not pray for ideas. I have long stopped praying for money!!!

I pray for ideas and opportunities to solve problems!!!
Today I am into property management business.  It started by identifying a problem and proffering solution.  I never knew I was going into a business.  I just wanted to solve problems.... and ideas started flowing. Now, some ideas may flood your mind that are not feasible or realistic!  Don't throw them away!!
Create a file for every idea.... one day. Remember.... a vision is yet for an appointed time
3. Frugality and Record keeping: You will be shocked to know how billionaires pay attention to every naira they spend.
Millionaires spend with caution.
That attitude did not began when they become rich, don’t just spend, ask yourself how and how much. If you can’t manage N5,000 successfully, stop asking God for N500, 000.
Be accountable for every kobo you spend. Take time to keep inventory of how money is spent and on what?
4. Investments: The parable of the talents comes readily to mind here.
Show me a prosperous minister and l will show you an investor. Invest in your ministry. Invest in businesses.
Poor people SPEND money but Rich people SEND  money. Are you a spender or a sender?
You don't need all the money in the world to invest
You only need to be wise and witty!!!

I once bought a parcel of land for 150K. I left it there and waited.  After a few years, precisely three years I had challenges paying the school fees of my son in Covenant University,  I simply sold the land and got 1million naira.  Simple!!!
For some. The risks attached to investments is too much to so they rather keep the little money In the bank.
 Let me shock you.... Keeping money in the bank is not wise except for target investments
Hear me.
"The fools keep money in the banks for the Dangotes"
I was in a meeting with a Multi Millionaire some years ago..
He is Otunba SK Onafowokan MD/CEO of Coleman Cables
 He said to me.....
 "If you are using your money to do business... You have not started yet...."
Asiwaju SK Onafowokan
CEO Coleman Cables and Wires
Great Business men use OPM!!!
 Do you know what OPM is? Other People's Money
The money you are keeping in banks. The Dangotes, The Otedolas the Adenugas who are not scared of doing investments will help you spend it without a thank you!!!
Yes business is risky.... Investment is a risk... But not taking a risk is riskier!

 In my little years of doing investments,  I have lost sometimes,  but I have gained more of the times

5. Human Development: Prosperous people build men around them and empower them, as they do so, they enlarge their own capacity to create and do more. Don't keep people around you low.  Don't prevent them from developing themselves out of the fear that they will run away from you!!!  Allow them to grow.

Some leaders in ministry are afraid when their members are growing.... They use everything including "Thus said the Lord" to keep their members to remain under them.
 This is wrong!
 Let people around you grow.... teach them to increase!!! It will be to your benefit
A member of your drama ministry wants to embark on some professional and profitable ventures and you are stopping him or her because you are scared of being "overtaken "
 Am sorry for you.
A lot of Drama Ministry leaders have cut short the destinies of potential helpers of their MINISTRY.
My Vice President in the CHRISTOLINE Ministry is a PhD holder. Today, he is a Senior Lecturer in a Federal University.  I encouraged him all the way to go for the best and reach the tops in the academia.

Today, he is a blessing to my family and the ministry in several ways.  Develop men around you and encourage them to reach for the skies.... When they get there.... They will cause the rain to fall for you!!!
6. Financial Intelligence: Money does not make you rich, financial intelligence does.
YOU need to learn how to make money.
Winning millions in a lottery has never made a millionaire. Learn how to turn N10  into N20.
Researches have shown that those who win millions of dollars in lotteries have all died poor.  None of them ever became rich..
They have no financial intelligence
 How come a man who won a million dollars remain poor yet a Dangote who borrowed a  few thousand naira from an uncle become Africa's richest man?
If you have opportunity of attending Financial Intelligence Forum please do.  There is no sin in attending meetings where money is the focus.
 Don't say  oh these carnal minded people have come
Don’t forget your tithe/sowing: It still remains a door to prosperity. In any case, we all pay tithes compulsorily.

You either pay to God, fellow men or the devil. Choose to pay it to God willingly.
 Like I said earlier.
Seed time and harvest time.
Is a universal principle that applies to all.
This guarantees divine supplies: We cannot rule out the power of supernatural releases from heaven.
God often send unexpected blessings and surprises.
However, prosperous people don’t sit down waiting for this.
They allow it to come at 


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