Kolade Segun Okeowo (KSO)

KSO speaks massively on DRAMA MINISTER FINANCE
Let me start by warning us that this is not a “Kalokalo” platform where “7 Ways to Make Instant Money” or “24 Ways of Making Quick Riches” etc. will be taught. Instead, kingdom/biblical principles will be examined. We are not here to discuss how to make quick money or some stupid PONZI schemes....

No!  We are too much for such silly things, If you desire financial prosperity to show off, buy your dream car/house or deal with your enemies, then you are not welcome. Godly prosperity is not for show off or to prove to your wicked step mother that at last you have arrived. It is not to prove to your enemies that.... "I told you my God will do it!" If that is your mind set then..... “gerrarr”  here.
 However, if you desire true riches to do Gods work, evangelize through gospel Drama  films, then you are welcome. Let's establish some facts here. We desire prosperity primarily for Kingdom purpose, Some are so immature that prosperity takes them out of God's Kingdom.  They abandon God's work and pursue money with all vigour... That is wrong. For such people, God regrets blessing them.
If the principles that we shall teach here will make you abandon ministry and God's Kingdom,  Beloved,  I pray for you..
It will not work for you in Jesus name
If however you want to bless the world, be a positive changer...
Then get ready to explode!!!
One of the major reasons why some Fathers in the ministry are scared to teach principles of prosperity is the fear of falling away. That will not be our portion in Jesus name.
 There fore settle the issue of ministry in your heart. No going back!!! Even if 100 million naira flows into my account every working day, Forget it... I can't leave the MINSTRY again.  It's too late. We all must settle down with this Now to the Lecture Proper

Does God want us to prosper financially? Yes is the answer! Let's look at Mark 10:30 and hear a LOUD AND CLEAR PROMISE BY THE LORD HIMSELF....

"But he shall receive an hundredfold now in this time, houses, and brethren, and sisters, and mothers, and children, and lands, with persecutions; and in the world to come eternal life"
Houses,  lands.... As part of the deal and reward for serving God Jesus promised houses, lands in addition to persecution!!! Now as a matter of choice some people have received only the latter part and not the former Persecution...
Yes! Houses.... Yes Lands...
That's the Promise of The Lord Himself Why do you want to settle for less Jesus made this promise in response to Peter's request for what shall be the portion of those who have left everything to follow Him...
Just like many of us in the drama ministry have done Let's get some things clear....

One day the widow of one of Elisha’s fellow prophets came to Elisha and cried out to him, “My husband who served you is dead, and you know how he feared the Lord. But now a creditor has come, threatening to take my two sons as slaves.”2 Kings 3:1 There are many wrong mindsets a minister of God must set his heart it conquer if he has to deal with the monster called poverty. The story of the woman in the scripture above paints the true picture of what is happening to many ministers of God today. The husband of the woman was a true prophet, a dedicated and hardworking minister of the gospel; yet he died poor, nay wretched. He was so poor that the creditor had to settle for his children as pawns. This is sad, what does this mean? 
Serving God is not a guarantee to prosperity! As a young minister, l heard messages that told me if l am faithful in serving God and do his work and remain prayerful, prosperity will come my way. I have since discovered that it is half of the truth. Prosperity and poverty are two human situations that respond to principles. Just like the principle of seed time and harvest time, prosperity and poverty respond both to believers and unbelievers alike. Recently, l checked  through the list of the 40 richest men in the world and l was shocked to find out that none of them is a Christian (born again) lf the things we have been taught are completely correct and 100%  true, then believers should make the top ten of that list.
But this is not so. Why is this so.... Wrong mindsets
We have been exposed to so many wrong mindsets about money and finances.... Let's look at some of them...1. Diligence and faithfulness in serving God will bring money: We have proved that to be half-truth with the story of the wife of the prophet in l kings Chapter 4. The complete truth is that in addition to all these attributes, a minister of God must obey some principles that prosperity and money responds to. 2. Money is the root of all Evils: This is a widespread belief amongst many believers. Yet the Bible never said that. The love of money is what the word of God refers to as the root of all evils. The complete truth is that money is neutral; it is neither good nor bad. Money puts on the nature and character of the owner. Money in the hands of an Adeboye or Bonnke will do the opposite of the same money in the hands of a Boko Haram leader. Money with OBAMA will save but will destroy with OSAMA. In all the above scenario, what is the fault of money.... None

Money can do evil.... Money can do good The money used to buy a Bible can be used to but Indian Hemp 3. Too much money will make a minister backslide: This has curtailed many from pursuing genuine investments. What makes a rich man backslide is not his money but the evils of his heart. By the way.... is backsliding an exclusive preserve of the rich?

No the rich and poor backslide almost at the same rate!! A rich man will backslide not because of too much money but inadequate understanding of God’s word. Poor men also backslide. However, when a poor believer backslides, no one winks, when a rich Christian does, it is news. 5. Ministers of God have no business in making money but soul winning: This is not true; those who give this excuse cite the example of the Levites who are not required to work. Of course that was in the Old Testament. New Testament Apostle; Paul showed a good example in tent making. (A business that did not in any way collide with his ministry) As much as l believe in full time ministry, l detest idleness. There are genuine and lofty investments a full time minister can be involved in without hampering his ministry in any way. A lot of drama ministers are caught in the web of wrong understanding of full time and end up “lazying” around in the name of Full Time MINSTRY. I was caught up in the same web for many years until I got liberated
Full time means....
Being in full control of your time.
Being able to determine what to do with your time is this concept of full time...
Not that you are constrained to do only one thing....Ministry!!! When I entered into full time ministry in 1994, I erroneously believed that God wanted me to do only drama and drama alone..

I imagined God waiting to strike me dead if I touch any other thing.... Today, I have touched several things ranging from Estate Management, Property Mart, School business, Poultry, Politics and still planning to do more ....
Yet God has not struck me. The reason why some pastors steal church funds is not only because they are thieves or covetous, but because they are simply hungry and helpless. Imagine how sad a pastor is when he returns from a ministration where he was given an honorarium of “God bless you’’ only to meet his kids sent home from school because of long, overdue and unpaid debts. Even Christian Schools send away Children of Ministers for owning. Anointing will not pay teachers salary 6. The poorer you are, the holier you become: This is untrue. Poverty and piety are not synonymous. There’s a place in heaven for both the rich and the poor (The story of Lazarus & the rich man.) Lazarus ended up in the bosom of Abraham a Billionaire. Holiness and poverty are not necessarily the same.  Poor men can be holy likewise rich men See what God says about the poor and the rich Prov. 22:2? New Living Translation
The rich and poor have this in common: The LORD made them both
It didn't say the LORD made them so?
International Standard Version
The rich and the poor have this in common— the LORD created both of them.
NET Bible
The rich and the poor meet together; the LORD is the creator of them both.
Make your choice.... The Lord is comfortable with both!!! 7.  Prosperity comes with plenty prayers, so pray always: A lot of ministers believe this so they spend more time praying; “God bless me’’ prayers rather than concentrating on more gratifying and glorifying things. Prayer is good; but don’t just pray, take steps.
l have come to discover that there are principles anyone who wish to prosper must obey. These principles apply to believers, unbelievers, the clergy and the congregation. These principles feature prominently even in the life of preachers who have prospered but still harbor those wrong mindsets. They obey principles of prosperity but do not know that is what they are doing. Unconsciously some have obeyed those principles but simply pretend to be over spiritual. Ask such men how they prospered, and the answer you are likely to get is “Oh it is God”
Agreed it is God but how? The answer you get next is even more annoying “Go and pray, let God lead you” Yes of course l agree to all of these, you must pray and God must lead, but yet there are some common principles that made Dangote and Adeboye or Oyedepo and Bill Gates to prosper. Their religious beliefs may be miles apart, but in terms of principles, they have a meeting point!!! Ladies and gentlemen... 
Thank you so much for your attention!!! 
Please enjoy...


Unknown said…
Thanks be to God for a platform like this. Everything you said is scriptural sir. But you haven't said anything about the principle yet. More grace sir.

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