The renown writer Aina Omowumi Adenodi is plus one

 Aina Omowumi Adenodi

Joy unspeakable fills my heart as my baby sister is plus one today!
Many may wonder
how i got to know her
principled like a thunder
calm like a river
a beautiful writer
a subscriber to a true believers
a repellant to Decievers

smiles, i remember when i knew her
she will gently enter the office minding her business like a butterfly on a flower.
let me sharply drop my epistle, knowing you has been a blessing, you have contrubuted immensly to the growth of IYITUWA Tv blog (now we have over 5,000 readers across the world (
your high level of intelligence can not be comprehended by shallow minds which is why it is difficult for most people to really understand you.
you are a logical puzzle that can only be solve by people with large mind
you are a VALUE that should be cited as an example of VALUE
even though she can ask you 1 million questions expectially when shes not cool with you.
i have no doubt in my mind that your generation will enjoy you so much that you will become an icon of emulation.
as you plus one today, may Olodumare bless you beyond measure, may God Almighty enlarge your coast.
roses are red
violets are blue
may your wisdom increase beyond measure.
Aina Orosun lele
i wish you long life and prosperity.... HIP... HIP,,,, HIP..... HURRAH!!!!!!



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