A TRUE LEADER is in wealth but refuse to forget about the poor on the streets and therefore lead according to their needs and not his greed!

A TRUE LEADER is not necessarily loved by a lot of people but he's always doing everything to favour the same people that might not like him (Since all social media platforms now dictates who is good and bad)

A TRUE LEADER has a PATH he's following... And he's adamant on following it regardless of who's is following or not...

That's the summary of who a True Leader should be...

Now note this...

He is

Dangerous to evil people but a dove to good people...

Fire to burn corrupt people but Cold water to people who chose hardwork and integrity...

Thunder strike to hypocrites but a Light in the path to the humble...

Destruction to destructive people but a builder of many foundations of many generations to come...

Oppressor to Oppressors but a comforter to the cheated...

Death to murderers but life assuring to good and kind hearted people ...

Very arrogant to the to leader who think they are the answers  to everything but MEEK enough to learn from people of the lowest level...

That's my definition of a True Leader...

He must have

Clear Vision.... WHAT I WANT TO DO!!!

Precision... HOW I WANT TO DO IT

Madness... YES! I WILL DO IT

He must have these as well... That's my description of a TRUE LEADER.

He must possess

COMPETENCE... Ability to solve challenges with workable solutions working strategically with skilled experts and needed people to do this...

CHARACTER... Doing this without throwing away universal standard of inclusive meritocracy and fairness... not breaking the moral code of doing this justly in a standard OMOLUWABI way...

COMPASSION... He must be humane in all he does... Except to the evil ones!!  Sometimes compassion for the people makes you completely MAD against persons who makes the people suffer. This is one of the major attribute of a TRUE LEADER... Compassion.

This is my final take home of a TRUE LEADER...

They are not members of ONE PARTY... they are members of various Political Parties... Guess what... ? In 2019!!


I Know them because I am one of them...

You cant stop us because we have infiltrated the whole system politically... We are in various political parties and we are making impacts...

We are SMALL but we are MIGHTY!!!

Our time is now so don't even think of stopping us because you will be CRUSHED!!!

This is a guaranteed PROMISE to those who don't want development to Nigeria and our dear Land... They will be CRUSHED!!!

This is the era of the AVENGERS and WATCHERS...


Political Calculations will Fail because God will happen!!!

Abayomi Rotimi Mighty
National Leader
CROWN of Freedom and Development Initiative
National Youth Leader
Nigeria Intervention Movement (NIM)



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