When you are silent, you will be silenced says  Mrs. Funke Felix-Adejumo, the uncompromisingly dogged Advocator of Woman Emancipation and audacious Marriage Counselor of global repute. Though I'm not going nuptial here but words of wisdom I want us to know are ubiquitous.

The rising call for youth involvement in policy making and advertently in politics is a welcome development at this umpteen time.

But the albatross hanging on the neck of this astronomical increase in youth reorientation and reawakening is the fact that many youths so promising and leadership borne are still sceptical about the surging drive to grab power through every veritable and legitimate means forgetting the indisputably sacred fact that when power tarries for too long in the hands of the mediocre, monumental human disastrous tornado is inevitable in all spheres of our national endeavor.

Could the reasons be carted with the horse of the elite cantankerous contentment or the fact that we still enjoy eating the crumbs dropping from the proverbial biblical rich man's table. Or will I say we have rescinded to a demeaning fate to be ruled by these demented and senile old braggarts and fags who leveraged on our ideas symptomatic with a used-and-dump syndrome?

Opportunity, I learnt from from my Chinese friend never comes to those who wait but it is captured by those who dare to attack. The time is now. There can never be a better time than now for us to take our destinies into our hands. We should be unrelentingly ready to take the gun by the gauntlet.

🎶We are the leaders of tomorrow 🎶 has been the usual lyrical singsong of our ruling elites. What an incontrovertibly impossible venture. Because after tomorrow, twill be another tomorrow, after another tomorrow, twill be a tomorrow with an infinitival expectancy ladened with irreversible despondency.

Arise! Oh ye strengths of the Nation. Do not allocate our political detractors the portion for the allowance of despising our youth. We are undeniably so important to be pushed aside in the scheme of things on our own mother land. We are tired of being used as political thugs and sycophantic godsons and goddaughters. We don't need to associate ourselves with those parties known for their sheer display of egocentricity.

They have hoodwinked us for too long. Never shall will administer their beguiling pills henceforth. Let them come and spend fortune all in the name of securing our loyalty. We shall and we are shouting an ear deafeningly killing and eyes blindingly diseased Noooooooooo.

Yes,  our coerced collective resolve is to see to the end of these self aggrandized politicians who masqueraded themselves as our Saviours and gods.

How do we go about this is the bomb blasting question?

First,  obtain your #REDCARDTOOL #PVC# (Permanent Voters Card)

Secondly, join a POLITICAL PARTY.

The good news is that Abundant Nigeria Renewal Party [ANRP] has been birthed to offer a viable, virile and veritable platform for the actualization of this onerous task of ours. No matter how much you try to vote or to be voted for with a view to entrenching the long desired change in those bourgeoisie membered political parties,  the unrepentantly lascivious domineering Cocks [AKUKO  GAGARA] won't allow our developing change savouring chicken to grow. It is high time we moved from the perpetuating valley of deliberate political deception to a seamlessly effacing reality. All they can offer you ain't more than SAs, SSAs, PAs and some personality denigrating portfolios that they will never dream for their offsprings.

What are you waiting for?

Shall we wait till they take us back to the Egypt of yesteryears?

Those that know the right thing to do but rightly go for the wrong shall have their lives visited by posterity and Providence.

Let's  rebuild the already shattered and battered Walls of our land!
Let's give the generations unborn the hope of a workably fulfilled Nigeria!!

All political parties are the same you might want to allude but believe me you ANRP is here to make the difference.


Abundant Nigeria!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This is our own!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

State Secretary, Information and Social Media Engagement
Abundant Nigeria Renewal Party
Ondo State.
March 3, 2018



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