Millons of people are in the mortuary, many are rush into the theatre rooms, many are spending money on life saving machines. I can boldly say that a lot of people are doing well and are all staying healthy. We can say that there is no one on earth without its own challenges, but everyone has a special way of dealing with issues pertaining to their life.  There are three things that can make us stay healthy, and these three things are connected to just one thing that 70% of our body is made of, that is WATER. If am to recommend anything for a depressed soul, I will recommend the WATER MANTRA, and it can only work effectively if you follow these three steps. 

    1) As soon as you wake up in the morning, before doing anything drink a litre of water. It doesn't matter if you don't brush your teeth, take water because it will help to dissolve the alkalinity in your mouth.                       

   2) Forty minutes after eating be it Breakfast, Lunch, or Dinner make sure you drink hot water, because hot water is a dissolvent of fat solutes and acids contain inside the intestine.                   

     3) This point is very essential, and a lot of people don't consider it as something important. Do not drink water while standing, take water in a sitting position because drinking water while standing creates Ayurveda Vata and your body joints will cause trouble.             

                  Instead of wasting our time and money on drugs  why don't you go for WATER MANTRA and keep fit.                                 Stay healthy, Health is Wealth.

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