Power destroys, Authority constructs....

Power destroys, Authority constructs and rebuild what has been destroyed...
An illustration is seen in a story where there are two LANDLORDS in a street. One was a retired military man and the other was a civilian..
  The retired military man didn't warn his tenant before he reacted. Therefore, he decided TO HOLD THE PURSE STRINGS. He decided to use his former power to send his tenant away and to make him pay his money in haste.. He went to the street to hire a tout to ransack the tenant's room and drag him out..
      On getting to the house, the tout did and acted as he was instructed. He acted ROUGH AND TUMBLE.. He dragged the couple out. In the process of dragging them, the wife hit her head on the edge of the wall and she KISSED THE DUST...
      At last, another case was up again..   Now the two men are in hot water. The case lasted for months in the court with lot of appeals but it was too late TO TURN THE TABLES.. The court made a decree for them TO PLAY THE PIPER to the MAN OF STRAW.. And eventually, both of them was sentenced to Ten years imprisonment.
      On the other hand, the civilian man wrote a notice of two weeks for his tenant to out his bag and baggage. On the D-day, the tenant was able to pay up his debt and he paid in some money in advance..

What am I saying, power is not everything.. Although they say 'ACTION SPEAK LOUDER THAN WORDS' but not in every situation. Some situation demands calmness and Patience while some require much effort and power.... STRIKE THE IRON WHILE IT IS HOT.. Always remember, POWER DESTROYS while AUTHORITY CONSTRUCTS..
When you're in a high, influential and powerful position, never PULL THE WIRE.
Always remember to use AUTHORITY to carry out POWER and never use POWER to carry out  AUTHORITY....


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