To our shameless TITHERS, RAPACIOUS OFFERING TAKERS, who have turned CHURCH BURIALS INTO BAZAARS IN OUR LIFE TIME. On Queen Elizabeth's Funeral Service: Observations and lessons for Africa. The 'whole world' was present in the Queen's burial service. Significantly, all the world leaders, political and religious heads from all over the world and from all walks of life were seated accordingly before the service began. I observed there was no poster of the deceased queen, no order of service except that provided by the church, no sackcloth by the family of the queen (at least to identify her immediate family) and no Ashoebi for Queen's family, well wishers and relatives. The service was solemn and interestingly soul-mellowing. There was orderliness and organization. The military parade and match by the royal navy and others was nearly perfect and a top notch. They displayed expertise in the highest level. Her children, grand and great grand children were all c...